Friday 19 October 2012

Ancient Odes to Jesus, part 2

There is a Helper for me: the Lord... He became like me, that I might receive Him. I trembled not when I saw Him, for He was gracious to me. Like my nature He became, that I might understand him; and like my form, that I might not turn away from Him.
Ode 7:3-6

As we delve a little deeper into the earliest Christian hymnbook, the 'Odes of Solomon', it becomes clear that the writer was familiar with the biblical book of Psalms. It is nowhere exactly quoted, but in many places there are direct parallels. To give just one example, Psalm 84:10 reads: For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere, and in Ode 4:5 we find: For one hour of Your faith is more excellent than all the days and all the years.

What is also clear is that the writer, almost certainly a Jewish Christian in Syria, was very familiar with the writings of the Apostle John. If, as is generally agreed, the Odes date from the very end of the 1st century, it is well possible that the writer was a disciple of John.

Some of the odes are meditative expansions of Johannine themes like light and dark. John 1:1-18 presents Jesus Christ as "the light of the world": In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it [v.3-4]. Ode 15:2 says: He is my Sun and His rays have lifted me up; His light has dismissed all darkness from my face.

The general tenor of the Odes is similar to John's gospel in its meditative, worshipful response to the truths of Jesus. See, for example, the odist's treatment of the incarnation [Odes 7,19], death [Ode 28], resurrection and ascension [Ode 42].

A fine example is Ode 27, which is only three verses long and which clearly grew out of worshipful contemplation of the Cross:
I extended my hands and hallowed my Lord,
For the stretching out of my hands is His sign,
And my stretching upward is the upright cross. Hallelujah.

To read the Odes of Solomon for yourself, follow this link. The Odes have of recent times been set to music - for more details, visit The Odes Project.

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